调试Perl / CGI脚本



调试Perl / CGI脚本
调试Perl / CGI脚本



使用CGI::Carp qwcarpout;




use CGI::Carp qwcarpout;

openLOG “>>/domains/domain.com/logs/cgi-error.log” or

die“Unable to open cgi-error.log $\n”;






使用CGI :: Carp qwfatalsToBrowser;


现在,致命错误将回显到浏览器以及日志文件。CGI :: Carp安排向浏览器发送最小的HTTP头,以便在早期编译阶段发生错误。非致命错误仍将仅定向到日志文件(除非使用carpout重定向)。


#/usr/bin/perl -wT

# In the first line above T causes Perl to check

# for “tainted” data that is data from outside the

# script i.e. user input that is going to be used

# to affect something else outside the script

# i.e. writing to a log file

# You can untaint data by parsing it for unwanted

# characters then saving it to another variable.

# If you are having trouble with a script try removing

# the T switch to see if that is the problem.

# The w switch in the first line causes warnings about

# script syntax to be printed if there are any.

# This script does 2 things


#1. It directs fatal errors to the browser

# so when the script is invoked via the Web

# a meaningful error message is returned.

# This is useful when developing a script;

# but should be disabled when the script

# is made publicly available.


# 2. It will direct any error message the script

# generates to an error log that resides in

# the user‘s home directory. The file must

# already exist and be “other” writeable.

# Notice that the following is enclosed in a BEGIN { }

# block that causes it to execute before the rest of

# the script is read.

# This block should be placed in the main script

# as near the top as practical. Do not place it in

# subroutines or libraries. Always test

# subroutines thoroughly before placing them

# in libraries.


# define an error log in YOUR home directory

# this is an example where the

# home directory is /domains/domain.com/

my $error_log = “/domains/domain.com/logs/cgi-error.log”;

# “my” in the line above makes the variable $error_log

# local so it only has meaning inside this block.

# See your text for more on variable scope.

# load the CGI::Carp module;

# fatalsToBrowser directs fatal errors to the browser

# carpout is for directing errors to the error log

use CGI::Carp qwfatalsToBrowser carpout;

open LOG“>>$error_log” ||

die “couldn’t open log file $”;


# open(。.. is used to open a file.

# >> means the new input will be appended what‘s

# already in the file.

# LOG is a nickname properly called a “file handle”

# that is given to the file so it is easy to refer to

# it later i.e. carpoutLOG sends the error

# message to the file with the nickname LOG

# || means “or” as in do this or that

# die means stop executing the program. You can add

# a message in quotes after the die command.

# $ is a special variable that contains the current error info


# The following line will cause an error.

# It is a call to a sub-routine that does not exist.

# After you have tried this script and received the error message

# comment out the following line so no error occurs

# and “Hello world” is printed.


print <<EOT;

Content-type text/html\n\n



Hello world


print “</BODY></HTML>”;

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